What Are The Requirements For CNA Certification

Certified nursing assistants (CNAs)  do not require college degree but training is needed as a postsecondary diploma. After the training is over, a competency exam is mandatory to pass, after which you are considered a certified nursing assistant. 

But why is CNA Program so important? While general CNA certification is required in each state, you can select voluntary certification  in special fields like pediatrics, geriatrics etc.

CNA certification signifies that you have the right skill and knowledge to deal with the patients. They do variety of tasks from working in emergency ward wit doctor to caring for patients needs, they bear a lot of responsibility. Hence beforehand they are taught everything practically so they can carry out their duty efficiently later on.

Certification Requirements

Each state has its own criteria, but below are some of the common ones that almost each state has in common:

  • HIV/AIDS training -  healthcare, infection control

  • A passing score in written competency examination

  • other personal information including felony charges, physical and mental health status information

  • State-approved CNA program with 85 hours minimum

Course Structure

CNA training course lasts about eight weeks. Infection guidelines, knowledge of human anatomy and diseases, medical ethics, patient rights are taught at this program. Post and pre operative procedures, hygiene, administrative responsibilities are also taught.

Some states allow nurse assistants going through testing process to work for a restricted time but a nurse assistant can be designated as a CNA after the completion of registration process.

Endorsing the CNA Certification For Different State

Some states do not require the re-take of competency exam. Some states allow application of certification endorsement.  For that purpose work experience and valid certificate of CNA in another state is needed.

CNA Outlook

Due to increasing age of patient population nowadays, the requirement for certified nursing assistants in increasing day by day, whether it is in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.

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