Tips For Being A Good Patient Care Technician

So you have decided to enroll in a PCT Training program. PCT Training in Michigan is very common these days.

A Patient Care Technician or PCT merges with a lot of roles with the health care disciplines. All of these includes phlebotomy, nursing, respiratory care, and EKG. These PCTs experts examine and implement patient care. Their responsibilities range from helping the patients to monitoring the essential signs and drawing blood.PCTs are also known as certified nursing assistants. These experts work in hospitals and medical clinics as well as private homes.

Patient Care Technician

Mentioned below are the tips for being a good patient care technician. 

1. Carry a small notebook
During your first few weeks of the job, you will meet new people and you will have a lot of questions to ask. A notebook is a good way to stop you from forgetting things. So in such cases, make sure you stay organized by noting down all the things in your notebook. You can use it as a “to-do” list.

2. You can learn by observing and asking questions
Every day there is a lot to learn. And the most important thing you will learn is how to take care of the patients you are assigned. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure you have a record of everything you do with a patient. Have a look at the care plans of the patients before time.
  • Make sure you jot down the issues that you don’t understand.
  • Observe what your supervisor does.
3.Respect your patients
This is the most important thing. You may be working with the patients who need a lot of care. Make sure you understand them properly and take care of them. Before doing anything, remember that you tell them about it. Also, observe their privacy. Always be kind and courteous with them. If they are in a bad mood, try engaging them in a conversation or simply talk to them.

4.Respect your co-workers
Always keep in mind that you treat your colleagues with respect. Make sure you show up on time and lend a hand them whenever they need some help. Take short breaks, because if you don’t then someone else gets stuck with your work. Be friendly because a friendly environment makes work easy for everyone.

5.Respect yourself
 Being a patient care technician is physically demanding. Have a good sleep, healthy diet and enough fluids. Take your breaks when they are given. Make sure you take care of yourself properly. Only then you will be able to serve your patients.

So before pursuing your career as a Patient Care Technician, make sure you gather all the information. For more information on PCT Training in Michigan contact Abcott Institution.

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