5 Important Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Medical Assistant School


Whether you are a novice entering the workforce or planning to switch careers from your old job, the healthcare industry has a demand and place for everyone. With substantial projected growth in this decade, the number of positions for a beginner to enter the medical field are endless. One such interesting discipline is that of a medical assistant. This versatile position is considered an indispensable role in the everyday operations of a medical facility.

So, if you are shortlisting medical assistant training schools in Detroit, ask the following questions before choosing the right one for you.

Medical assistant training Schools Detroit

  • Are the school and program accredited?

To become certified medical assistant, you will need to pass the certification exam that you can only sit for if you have properly trained and educated in the required skills. Therefore, the accreditation of a training school translates their professional expertise in educating candidates in getting them closer to their career goal. So, ensure that the school that you are choosing has proper licences from the state department.

  • What is the experience of the staff?

The quality of education directly correlates to the quality of training you are getting. Hence, a top-rated medical assistant training school in Detroit will have industry experts for training students in the field with years of experience backing them. So, don’t hesitate to enquire about the professional experience of the staff.

  • Is the program inclusive of internship and certification?

Internships or externships are crucial components of quality medical assistant training. Having credible experience by working in a real medical facility when applying for a full-time job is all essential. Thus, it is important that you confirm the internship programs they offer to their students.

  • What are the teaching method and batch sizes?

Medical field is a diverse discipline for which one must have a theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Hence, a hands-on training methodology is imperative when training to be a medical assistant. So, inquire about training schools representative about their teaching methodology and the size of their classes to ensure you will be getting the one-on-one attention.

  • Is financial aid offered?

Medical training programs are not cheap by any means. And although medical assistant may be an entry-level job, the training program may not be affordable for everyone. Fortunately, a good, accredited training school will offer financial aid to its eligible candidates to cover the tuition, internships, and online medical assistant certification exam in MI.

Abcott Institute is a top-rated Medical training school in Detroit, Michigan, that not only offers the above mentioned benefits but also dedicated career placement support to ensure that the students get the best jobs in the industry. So, enroll with us today and start a successful career in the healthcare industry.

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